Maria Carla Ferrero

Maria Carla Ferrero

Maria Carla Ferrero

Having always been active in the mountains, she finds herself, despite herself, involved in running by the shady crowd. She demonstrates early on a predilection for very long distances and a deep hatred for climbs-she is still looking for the ultra that has only downhill; if you have information, contact her.

She brings her feminine, rational and ironic (who said cynical?) touch to a group of smoky, messy and fundamentally lost minds. With her Savoyan pragmatism she manages to keep discussions on consonant and productive tracks, sawing off with enviable style the Pindaric flights of the running philosophers she finds herself managing.

He coaches athletes and runners on trail and road, from off-road newbies to some old foxes of the trails, coordinates the organization of Camps and manages the most important part of Destination Unknown: the financial part.

FIDAL (Italian Athletics Federation) Technician Matricula GE1307